Mes allows you to see and share a collection of anime themes based on a list of anime ids from MyAnimeList, AniList or Kitsu.

You can make a list of ids yourself, get ids from a kitsu or anilist user, or use this userscript to fetch ids from a MAL user.

If you want to quiclky bring up a specific list you can save it to your browser's localStorage with the following template:

localStorage.setItem( "name", JSON.stringify({ database: "MyAnimeList", ids: [1, 6] }))

Valid entries in localStorage will show up when typing "l/" in the search bar. The userscript also saves all the lists it fetches there.

You could also just bookmark the search url i guess.

Very much inspired by and motivated by its out of date state (nothing added since winter 2022). This page is not affiliated but uses the api and videos provided for free by!